Project Summary
Intrepid Electronic Systems Builds State-Of-The-Art Fire Alarm Systems For The East Side Union High School District
Intrepid Electronic Systems, Inc. is updating the fire alarm systems at 16 schools and administrative sites within the East Side Union High School District (ESUHSD) in San Jose, the largest school district in Northern California. The update covers 178 buildings, and encompasses the installation of over 4,000 devices, including smoke detectors and speaker strobes for fire alarm and mass notification.
Intrepid Electronic Systems’ $15 million design-build fire alarm modernization project will bring state-of-the-art fire safety to the District’s schools. Some 24,000 students attend the District’s high schools. The fire alarm system modernization project is part of the Measure I Bond Program, Fund 24, which designated $18.9 million for the upgrade. Study and assessment of the fire alarm systems at all schools sites was completed in 2013-2014.