Intrepid Electronic Systems, Inc. wins a NECA Project Excellence Award for the Hayward Unified School District Performing Arts Center at Mt. Eden High School.

The Performing Arts Center serves the 19,000 students of the Hayward Unified School District and is also accessible to the Hayward community.
The facility spans 24,000 square feet and features a 500-seat auditorium, a large stage, an adjustable orchestra pit, and state-of-the-art lighting and AV systems.
Intrepid installed the fire alarm system, two-way communication system, and Emergency Responder Communication Enhancement System (ERCES).
The fire alarm system is a Notifier 3030 with voice capability, along with a VESDA aspirating system above the stage and auditorium seating.
Additionally, the fire alarm integrates with a custom stage system that automatically adjusts the acoustical shells in the event of a VESDA alarm or water flow, ensuring water can reach the stage. At the time, this was the second installation of an automated acoustical shell in California.
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